الحياة البرية

Ngorongoro Reserve 2017 | محمية نجورونجورو 2017

محمية نجورونجورو والتي تقع في الشمال الغربي من جمهورية تنزانيا، تبلغ مساحتها : ٨ آلاف كيلومتر مربع وهي أحد مواقع التراث العالمي التابع لمنظمة اليونسكو . أحد اهم أجزاءها هو بقايا البركان والذي شكل فوهة كبيرة جداً ومنخفض يملأه ما يقارب ٢٥ الف حيوان من أصناف عديدة

رحلتنا ستكون الى غرب المحمية بالقرب من بحيرة ندوتو كمشروع مهم لأول المصورين العرب لتوثيق بداية هجرة جواميس النو في شهر فبراير حيث يكون موسم توالد هذه الحيوانات ويولد ما يقارب ال ٨-١٠ آلاف حيوان يومياً وليصل عدد المواليد خلال شهر ما يقارب ال ٣٠٠-٤٠٠ ألف حيوان

يعتبر هذا الموسم وبسبب ولادة هذا العدد الضخم من جواميس النو أكبر نقطة لتجمع الحيوانات المفترسة في القارة الافريقية حيث تجتمع الأسود والفهود الصيادة بشكل مُلفت وكبير لتكون رحلتنا في تاريخ ١٠ فبراير ولمدة ٩ أيام لسبعة مصورين من الخليج العربي

الإقامة ستكون في مخيم متنقل مخصص لمتابعة تواجد جواميس النو بالإضافة لتواجد بعض السائقين ذوي مؤهلات وخبره تسمح لهم بطرح الإرشادات والنقاط المهمه لنا، كما آنه خروجنا اليومي لمدة ١٢ ساعة يومياً خروجاً من الصباح الباكر الساعة الخامسة والنصف والعودة ستكون في السادسة مساءاً

 The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is a protected area and a World Heritage Site located 180 km (110 mi) west of Arusha in the Crater Highlands area of Tanzania. The area is named after Ngorongoro Crater, a large volcanic caldera within the area. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) has a healthy resident population of most species of wildlife. The Ndutu Lake area to in the west of the NCA has particularly strong cheetah and lion populations. Common in the NCA are hartebeest, spotted hyenas, and jackals. The population of African wild dog in the NCA may have declined recently. Servals occur widely on the plains to the west of the Ngorongoro Crater.


 Our nine days trip will be on the west side of NCA, near Lake Ndutu area where Life begins for a huge number of animal. In the space of a few short weeks, the calving season sees half a million-young wildebeest brought into the world. This is due to the rainy season combining with the fertile volcanic soil of the region to create a lush carpet of short grass rich in essential vitamins. It is here that the vast herd begins to take shape, and where the predators begin their yearlong assault upon the herd. With so many young and weak calves stumbling around, it becomes easy for the lions, leopards, and cheetahs to pick off a tasty morsel. Our stay will be in a tented mobile camp that tracks the wildebeests migration and stay around there all year around. Accompanied by experienced guides, we will be going out daily for 12 continuous hours (from 6 a.m to 6 p.m) to make sure we cover every aspect of this phenomena and document all parts of the area making sure we make the most of our time in there.


Majed AlKatheeri | UAE | www.mphoto.ae


Mohammed AlNaser | Saudi Arabia | www.malnaser.com


Husain AlFraid | Saudi Arabia | www.halfraid.com




The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) along with Dubai Media Incorporated will this Friday premiere the brand new show ‘HIPA Safari – Kenya 2015’. The show follows the journey of 10 GCC photographers, including the Secretary General of HIPA His Excellency Ali bin Thalith, on a specially organised wildlife photography trip in the ‘Maasai Mara National Reserve’ in Kenya. The show is set to be aired on the Dubai 1 and Sama Dubai TV stations.

Commenting on the new program, HIPA Secretary General His Excellency Ali bin Thalith said “The show was born out of a mutual agreement between HIPA and Dubai Media Inc. to develop and encourage local photographers in the region by organizing an interesting photographic adventure in the Maasai Mara Nation Reserve in Kenya”. “We hope that through this new TV show documenting the experiences of the photographers that we can encourage more passionate artists in the region to travel to different parts of the world and hopefully take their skills to the next level”.

‘HIPA Safari – Kenya 2015’  times:

Dubai 1: Commencing on Friday the 18th of December 2015 at 1.30 p.m. with repeats every Saturday at 11 a.m.

Sama Dubai: Commencing on Monday 21 December at 7 p.m. with repeats on Thursday at 7 p.m.